The very pretty Garima Jain, who is currently seen in Sony TV’s Main Na Bhoolungi and Star Plus’ Mahabharat, has now pushed her career graph a notch higher by bagging a Telugu film. The actress who has earlier done Tamil movies was to make her debut in Telugu cinema opposite Uday Kiran, but Uday recently committed suicide leaving the girl’s dream in the lurch.
But later the girl was approached for a film that would be on the lines of Student of The Year. Playing the lead, the film will have college romance with competition as the main theme. Along with Garima, two handsome guys have been approached for the same.
When we called up the pretty girl she confirmed the news but refused to divulge further details.
The film will go on floors soon and is expected to release by end of this year.
We will soon update the space with more info.
But later the girl was approached for a film that would be on the lines of Student of The Year. Playing the lead, the film will have college romance with competition as the main theme. Along with Garima, two handsome guys have been approached for the same.
When we called up the pretty girl she confirmed the news but refused to divulge further details.
The film will go on floors soon and is expected to release by end of this year.
We will soon update the space with more info.
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